This Is Why You Should Embrace Having Sex Regularly

According to the latest studies, regular sex – that’s one to two lovemaking sessions per week – can provide some incredible boosts to your health and well-being. Here are some of the reasons why you should be proud of having sex tonight. 
1.Look younger
According to Dr David Weeks, a clinical neuro-psychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, men and women with an active love life will always look five to seven years younger than their actual age.
But you don’t have to be at it every night to enjoy youth-enhancing effects! In fact, during his 10-year study, ­Weeks found quality was as important as quantity. He disclosed that the  the ­anti-ageing benefits of sex is stronger if the act was classed as “loving”.
2 Boost your fertility
This will sound like ­music to most men’s ears – studies have found that the more often you make love, the better quality your sperm will be.
Semen health was found to be best when sex had last occurred less than two days before the sperm was tested and was greatly decreased after 10 days of abstinence.
If you’re trying for a baby, keep sperm fresh and in tip-top shape by having sex at least twice a week, and not only around the time of the woman’s ovulation.
3 Fight colds and flu
Having sex once or twice a week has been found to raise your body’s levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A, or IgA, which can protect you from colds and flu. One study found people who have sex more than once a week have 30% higher levels of IgA than those who abstain.
4 Disease-proof your body
Having high levels of the natural steroid DHEA, known as “the anti-ageing hormone”, is believed to be key to keeping your body fitter for longer. During sex, DHEA is ­secreted throughout the body, and after an orgasm, the level in the bloodstream soars to five times its normal amount.
5 Lengthen your life
A study carried out in Australia found people who climaxed at least three times a week had a 50% lower chance of dying for any medical reason than those who only climaxed once a month.
6 Shift your middle-age spread and keep fit
Thirty minutes of vigorous sex burns up to 100 calories, which is the same as a small glass of wine.
And if you have moderately active sex twice a week, you’ll burn an extra 5,000 calories a year! ­
Varying your positions is also a great, fun way to tone different muscle groups and keep limbs lean and flexible.
7. Prevent a heart attack
Lots of studies have found that regular sex can ward off heart attacks, not bring them on as it was once feared.
One study at Queen’s University Belfast found that having sex three times a week could halve your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
8. Increase your attractiveness to others
High sexual activity makes the body release more pheromones, chemicals that enhance your appeal to the opposite sex.
This is why the more sex you have with your partner, the stronger your desire will be to have sex with them again.
9.Give yourself an all-over healthy glow
According to ­research carried out at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, sex promotes skin renewal because it is an aerobic form of exercise.
The scientist behind this study found that vigorous sex pumps higher levels of oxygen around the body, increasing the flow of blood and nutrients to the skin, and pushes newer, fresher skin cells to the surface, making skin look healthier.
10. Improve your self-esteem
One of the most important benefits, noted in a recent survey undertaken by the University of Texas, US, was that participants who had sex regularly felt more confident about their bodies.
11.  Cure that headache (yes, eftheadaches!)
“Having a headache” might be an age-old excuse not to have sex, but the scientific evidence says that, to the contrary, sex can help shift pain!
This is because making love causes a surge in the “love” hormone ­oxytocin, plus other feel-good ­endorphins, which can ease pain.


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