The Most Surprising Facts About Men Who Cheat:

Here is your chance to discover things you never knew about infidelity that could save your marriage
Fact #1: Most men are still in love with their wives when they cheat.
This explains why men will never leave their wives for their mistresses. According to studies, men who cheat have not fallen out of love; they've become unsatisfied with the current state of relationship. This has been cited as the main reason why cheating mainly occurs in the phase of companionate love. This is the phase where you and your partner begin to settle down, have kids and start making concrete life decisions. At this point, most men are fulfilled in some areas, for instance being the family’s provider; however this is the time when romance may be missing in a couple's relationship. Experts have recommended a few tips on how couples can rekindle their romance and prevent infidelity;
You can plan nights with your wife, set aside time for sex and discuss hopes and dreams—not just workdays and your son’s last soccer game.

Fact #2: Men usually cheat with women they know.
Men will always pick someone they are confident will keep their secret to cheat with. They will not generally pick up random women in bars. They will mostly settle for a childhood friend, a workmate or someone they have known for some time. According to research, relationships are usually friendships first and in fact 60% of affairs start at the work place. To prevent this from happening, couples are advised to spend more time with each other. The habit of spouses going to work, taking care of their kids and then doing separate things at night should stop. For starters make sure you always going to bed at the same time and cuddle a little. 

Fact #3: Men cheat to save their marriages.
This has to be the most controversial fact, but I agree with it. According to 60% of men interviewed on a research on why men cheat, most cheaters love their spouses, however they don’t know how to fix their relationship problems, so they go outside their marriages to fill any gaps in their relationships.  

Fact #4: Men hate themselves after affairs. 

Many men who cheat on their wives feel like failures once they put their ego to the side. You may be fooled to think cheaters are men without morals, but while they may like what they did, they tend to despise themselves after their indiscretions. This is because, men are human too and they will feel bad for betraying another human being who they claim to care about. 
Fact #5: Women cheat just as much as men and their affairs are more dangerous.
According to a research by Indiana University men and women cheat at the same rate. However their reasons for cheating are totally different. While men cheat for physical satisfaction, women are likely to cheat for emotional satisfaction. The research further details that cheating because of emotional reasons is the most damaging type of infidelity. This cause, becoming emotionally invested in another person means you've likely checked out of your marriage. But if it’s just sex, it’s less about attachment and more about a hurtful mistake.

Fact #6: Affairs can often fix a marriage.
Well every Cloud has a silver lining, so the wise man said. In relationships, infidelity does not necessarily mean the end of a marriage. According to marriage experts, an affair can rekindle a marriage. When men realize who they want for the rest of their lives and that the new relationship isn't as perfect as they thought they can actually rekindle their romance just like a new relationship. 

Fact #7: A cheater knows he’s hurting the woman he loves, tearing his family apart and sacrificing his honor.
A man know the negative impact his infidelity has on his wife, family and his honor, however he will still have affairs if he feel unwanted, undervalued and taken for granted. In any case, a man's personal needs of being wanted, valued and appreciated will always win.

Fact #8: The wife’s not to blame if her husband cheats on her.
Many people tend to blame wives for their husband’s affairs which is unfair because when a man cheats, he’s making a conscious choice to do it. According to psychologists the idea of being pushed into the arms of another woman is an expression, not a reality. However it is not entirely a man’s fault that he is cheating as having an affair is an indication that that both parties ignored signs of disconnection.



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