Perfect Reason Why I Celebrate My Birthday Every End Month

Any learned Christian knows that Jesus wasn't born on 25th Dec. Good scholars actually articulate that the Son of Man was born around September.
But I came to realize that it is not Jesus alone who doesn't know His birthday. I am one of the few people who had to choose a day and plant my birthday into it. When I was born, those who were around were more concerned about my gender than the date of birth.
To make my work easier, every end month becomes my birthday!
Mothers are wonderful beings; I actually believe that all m

others will enter heaven, in fact using the V.I.P entry. Imagine carrying a 5 Kg heavy bugger inside your stomach (okay, its womb) for 9 damn long months. The idiot is just inside you, helping you with nothing. He/she eats your food and breathes your oxygen. Some actually start throwing kicks inside you, hitting your ribs and intestines as they learn Kung Fu unapologetic-ally inside your womb. They make your belly to sprout out like an anthill and cause lop-sided body imbalance where you have to walk with slightly spread legs to lower the C.O.G.
When time comes for them to leave your womb they are not willing to just walk out on their own and peacefully. You have to push impulse and squeeze the clinging creature out, head first. Some resist, taking hours before they surrender to your pushes and thrusts, but you have by then lost 5 pounds of your blood.
The day I was born was different. I was eager to come into the world quickly because I had already heard about Free Wi-Fi. The nurses gathered around me in bafflement. I was supposed to cry but apparently I was in jovial moods and I sincerely was not finding anything to cry about. They turned me upside down, capsized me and shook me violently but the anticipated cry wasn't forthcoming. One daring nigg@ slapped me on the butt, but I was already a hardcore! You needed to scare me with something more tangible - say lack of milk for 2 hours maybe: 
They gave up.
I could see other mothers screaming around me, trying to force unwilling creatures into this world. I was wondering why they are so afraid to come out and join me. In my baby-ish mind actually I was fantasizing about all of us new babies in that hospital-ward organizing a small bash and toss some glasses of breast milk to celebrate our arrival.
After 20 years on this earth, I can now understand why babies were refusing to come out, and those came out alive were crying their fragile lungs out. To live on this Earth needs a strong heart, unfading spirit and steadfast hope. Hope that the worries of yesterday and anxieties of tomorrow are conquerable by a man who has humility, wisdom and Love.
It’s now nearing end month, and here comes my 9th Birthday this year.
©Mas Kani   


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